
Using Spring Boot On AWS Lambda: Clever or Dumb?

Spring Boot on AWS Lambda

I often notice people wondering if and how it’s possible to run Spring Boot on AWS Lambda Functions. I understand this because I know developers in the Java ecosystem often use the Spring Framework. And since more and more people built Lambda functions using Java, the question will be asked at some point. It’s definitely […]

Using Spring Boot On AWS Lambda: Clever or Dumb? Read More »

Serverless Sending and Receiving E-Mails, the CDK Way

Serverless sending and receiving e-mails using AWS is not fun in my opinion. AWS offers Simple Email Service (SES) to achieve this. But the UI and also Infrastructure as Code (IaC) support is lacking. You often need to manually change settings which is error prone. When I recently built another landing page for myself, I

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5 Ways To Bundle a Lambda Function Within an AWS CDK Construct


Have you ever tried to publish a CDK construct that was using a Lambda function, for example to create a custom resource or provide a REST API endpoint? It’s relatively easy to publish your construct if your Lambda function is just using the AWS SDK. But it gets more complicated as soon as other dependencies

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Automatically Generate a Nice Looking Serverless REST API Documentation

In the past years, technology made huge progress and automating your processes is more important than ever. Documenting your REST APIs is not an exception here. It’s even more important in the fast moving serverless world to automate your serverless REST API documentation to always keep it up-to-date. The OpenAPI (Swagger) standard helps you describing

Automatically Generate a Nice Looking Serverless REST API Documentation Read More »

Remove old CloudWatch log groups of Lambda functions

Remaining Old CloudWatch Log Groups of Lambda Functions

Do you recognize this view when looking into your CloudWatch log groups? Each AWS Lambda function has an associated CloudWatch log group. However, there is no cleanup process available as soon as a relationship between a CloudWatch log group and Lambda function expires. In that case it’s necessary to remove these old log groups manually.

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Shut down CloudFormation stack resources over night using AWS Lambda


A CloudFormation stack evolves over time and usually costs increase as well. You’ll probably not only have one stack, but instead have at least a production and a development stack. Even one development stack per developer might be common in your organization. This means the total costs increase even more. In order to prevent paying

Shut down CloudFormation stack resources over night using AWS Lambda Read More »

Starter Projects For AWS Lambda Using NodeJS And Java

Today I want to show you three starter projects for AWS Lambda using CloudFormation and SAM – Serverless Application Model. I always like if I have some boilerplate code and can get started quickly without copying code or project structures from an existing (and mature) project. Therefore I thought it’s good to have them in

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