
Using Spring Boot On AWS Lambda: Clever or Dumb?

Spring Boot on AWS Lambda

I often notice people wondering if and how it’s possible to run Spring Boot on AWS Lambda Functions. I understand this because I know developers in the Java ecosystem often use the Spring Framework. And since more and more people built Lambda functions using Java, the question will be asked at some point. It’s definitely …

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Using AngularJS and Spring together

With this blog post I want to provide an example webapp using Spring and AngularJS since both are very popular technologies. The webapp is created using Spring Initializr, Spring Boot and an example AngularJS project. It’s a step-by-step tutorial with some explanations. The repository can be found in this repository: https://github.com/seeebiii/SpringAngularExample.

Add Spring to JavaFX

Yesterday I wanted to add Spring to my Pandoc project and I had a lot of trouble with it. My problem was that I wanted to split my FXML files into multiple files and make each file controlled by a separate controller. This is – without Spring – not a real problem, because you just …

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