Using AngularJS and Spring together

With this blog post I want to provide an example webapp using Spring and AngularJS since both are very popular technologies. The webapp is created using Spring Initializr, Spring Boot and an example AngularJS project. It’s a step-by-step tutorial with some explanations. The repository can be found in this repository:

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GitLab for Raspberry Pi

Do you know ? It’s like an extension of the famous Git version control. This week I thought about giving it a try on my 1und1 server, but first I wanted to try to install it on my Raspberry Pi 2. I did some research and soon found this blog article: They’ve created a

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1und1 Campus Code

Hey there, I’ve found an interesting offer last december where you get a server/homepage for your project if you’re a student. The ones of you who are german students, can take advantage of the 1und1 Campus Code program which offers students from Germany the opportunity to get their own Homepage, WordPress-Site, Linux- or Windows-Server for

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Initial Commit

Hey guys, I’ve created my own blog now and want to start writing as well as telling something about me. What can you expect? Everything from Java, programming and IT to some private projects or other stuff. How often do I write? I try to write one entry at least every 2-3 weeks.   .sh

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